Early Intervention Is
Early intervention towards a child speech and language can help change a child’s developmental path and improve lifelong outcomes for not only your child, but your family. Families benefit from early intervention by being able to better meet their children’s needs from an early age and throughout their lives.
If you have identified that your child is delayed with their speech, language, communication, or social skills please reach out as soon as possible. We would love to help.

How Speech Therapy Can Help Your Child?
Articulation is the way we produce speech sounds.
We use our tongue, lips, teeth, jaw and vocal folds to produce speech sounds. Children can experience a range of difficulties that will affect the way they produce their speech sounds.
Most children will make mistakes with their speech sound production at some point in their development. Different sounds are expected to develop at different ages. A speech sound delay exists when a child continues to make mistakes with a particular sound or group of sounds past the age expected.
Speech sound delays involve articulation errors (making the sound) and phonological process errors (sound patterns). A phonological delay will cause patterns of speech sound errors; which can be addressed through speech therapy.
Phonological delay is when a child has patterns of speech which are more typical of a younger child. The sound system is developing normally, but at a much slower rate than expected.
Using words and sentences to get their needs met and to express ideas. Children who are unable to speak can often use a range of modes including signs, PECS and other AAC devices.
Pragmatic language refers to the social language skills that we use in our daily interactions with others. This includes what we say, how we say it, our non verbal communication (eye contact, facial expressions, body language etc.) and how appropriate our interactions are in a given situation.
Affects the fluency of speech and results in repetitions of sounds, words and phrases. Secondary features may also be present such as facial movements or ticks.
Therapy is recommended for preschool-aged children who are over 3.5 years and have been stuttering for more than 6 months especially if there is a family history.
Phonological Delay Is when a child has patterns of speech which are more typical of a younger child. The sound system is developing normally, but at a much slower rate than expected.
When a delay occurs across a range of developmental milestones, language development is often affected.
Speech therapy can help support a developing child in a way that makes learning easier and which may also increase other areas such
as confidence.
People with ASD may have difficulties with both speech and nonverbal communication. They may also find it hard to interact with their peers. For these reasons, speech therapy is a central part of treatment for autism. Speech therapy can address a wide range of communication problems for people with autism.

Private Health Insurance
If included in your policy, a rebate can be claimed through your private health insurance company. Please check with your private fund for Speech Pathology rebates.

Medicare Rebate
A Medicare rebate can be obtained for clients with a Chronic Disease management form from their GP. The rebate of $54.60 can be claimed per session for up to five sessions per calendar year.

NDIS Participants
Norfolk Kids is pleased to provide services under the NDIS scheme for our Self or Plan Managed children. NDIS rates are in line with the NDIS website for therapeutic services for speech pathologists.